Day, Night and Seasons Vocabulary

  1. 2. The name for the light hours.
  2. 4. This is the season in Maryland when the sun shines directly on the NORTHERN hemisphere.
  3. 8. Another word for the season FALL.
  4. 9. This happens twice a year (spring and fall) when there are 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night time.
  5. 10. The day in the winter when the daylight is the shortest of the year is the winter ____________.
  6. 12. The length of time it takes for Earth to complete one revolution (orbit) of the sun.
  7. 13. The direction the Earth revolves (orbits) around the sun.
  1. 1. The name for the imaginary line that circles the middle of the Earth. 0 degrees latitude.
  2. 3. The name for the dark hours.
  3. 4. After winter when the sun shines equally on both hemispheres.
  4. 5. The Earth's axis is always facing the same ___________.
  5. 6. When it is winter in Maryland, the sun is not directly hitting the ___________ hemisphere.
  6. 7. This is the season in Maryland when the sun shines directly on the SOUTHERN hemisphere.
  7. 8. Earth's __________ is tilted 23.5 degrees.
  8. 11. After summer when the sun shines equally on both hemispheres.