Days, Months and Seasons

  1. 2. In this month, we express our gratitude to our mother
  2. 3. We celebrate Kartini's Day
  3. 7. in this season, we need to bring umbrella
  4. 8. First day of the weekend
  5. 10. Month after January
  6. 11. The seventh month of the year
  7. 13. The first school day of the week
  8. 15. Indonesia's Indpendence day is on 17th ...
  9. 17. Day between Monday and Wednesday
  10. 19. The month before December
  11. 21. A day, a first letter is "S"
  1. 1. This month has only got "28/29" days
  2. 4. The leaves begin to fell down
  3. 5. It's very cold season
  4. 6. Third month of the year
  5. 9. It's the last school day of the week
  6. 11. We celebrate new year in this month
  7. 12. The ninth month of the year
  8. 14. The aeason between spring and autumn
  9. 16. It's the season after winter
  10. 18. The students have no school in this day
  11. 20. A month with only three letters
  12. 22. The weather is hot and no raining