
  1. 2. Strong and gusty winds, may bring storms.
  2. 5. Period when plants thrive and produce crops.
  3. 8. Suitable weather for swimming and beach activities.
  4. 9. Little or no rain, arid and dry landscapes.
  5. 10. Snow and ice, cold temperatures, holidays.
  6. 11. Heavy rainfall, wet and muddy conditions.
  7. 12. Chilly and frigid weather, bundle up.
  8. 14. Hot and sunny, longer days, beach time.
  9. 15. Time for skiing and snowboarding on slopes.
  1. 1. Pleasantly warm temperatures, comfortable.
  2. 3. Abundant snowfall, ideal for winter activities.
  3. 4. Time for gathering crops, often in autumn.
  4. 6. Intense rainfall, often accompanied by storms.
  5. 7. Leaves changing colors, cooler weather, harvest.
  6. 13. Flowers blooming, warmer weather, new growth.