
  1. 1. Always, Doing this helps to over come Satan's temptations. D/C 10:5
  2. 5. What the Lord gives us to enlighten minds. D/C 11:13
  3. 6. They heard the __________of God
  4. 7. They saw an _____________
  5. 8. the Baptist, Person who gave Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
  6. 9. Listen, Song that teaches about the still small voice 2 words
  7. 11. of Mormon, David Whitmer was one of the witnesses to this.
  1. 1. The 3 witnesses testified that they saw the____________
  2. 2. We can bare_________to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
  3. 3. God's Power
  4. 4. life, Gift promised to us in D/C 14:7
  5. 10. I know the Book of Mormon is____?