DCM Foundation Vocabulary

  1. 2. the cumulative permissions a user has based on individual /group permissions or explicit/implicit permissions
  2. 4. Rules for how long data needs to be kept on backup and archive systems.
  3. 6. software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system
  4. 7. A software that allows one physical computer to run several "digital only" computer spaces
  5. 9. A Windows feature that requires administrator permission for a user to change system settings
  6. 11. starts Windows in a basic state using limited files and drivers.
  7. 12. A type of malware that can replicate without human interaction and does not need to attach itself to a program.
  8. 16. User account with complete access to the system without restriction.
  9. 17. Internal or external hardware used to store data and files
  10. 19. a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful
  11. 20. Hardware and software that help visually or physically impaired people use the computer
  12. 23. A policy that allows employees to connect personally owned devices
  13. 24. wipe Erases data on a mobile device using a different device
  14. 25. Define WHO can access certain resources and WHAT they can do
  15. 29. A software that allows hardware to communicate with the computer operating system
  16. 31. to remove an app/program from a device
  17. 35. Rules that users must follow to access a network.
  18. 36. An attack through email trying to trick the user into giving private information
  19. 37. Malicious code attached to a program or file that corrupts a computer or destroys data.
  20. 38. matches the file on two or more devices with each other
  21. 39. Holes for peripheral cables.
  22. 40. return a system to working condition without reinstalling the operating system
  23. 42. A Windows program that provides detailed device settings
  24. 43. verifies the identity of someone who connects to a network
  25. 45. "Points to" a storage space on a network
  26. 46. Tool to monitor and limit user activities.
  27. 47. A text file of startup activity that lists all the drivers that load
  28. 48. a software or computer that blocks outside access to a network
  29. 49. A web service that uses one account to synchronize devices
  1. 1. Remotely controls smart phones and tablets
  2. 3. A type of malware that locates and saves data from users without them knowing about it.
  3. 5. Explicit permissions applied directly to a file are applied before inherited permissions from a parent folder/group
  4. 8. Hackers use their social skills to trick people into revealing access credentials or personal information
  5. 10. The official source for Windows apps and outside media
  6. 13. a type of malware that blocks access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.
  7. 14. A function/behavior that makes a software special
  8. 15. The ability of one device to work with another
  9. 18. A document outlining an agreement between two parties
  10. 21. Internet based computing
  11. 22. the identification of a user based on a physical characteristic
  12. 26. To prevent malware from being delivered or spread
  13. 27. A "phonebook" of users and devices on a network
  14. 28. Characteristics of a file
  15. 30. any external device that provides input or output for the computer
  16. 31. Identifies resources a user can access on a computer
  17. 32. copying files to a another location in case of equipment failure
  18. 33. An app installed on devices managed by an organization
  19. 34. Allowing multiple people to access a folder or file
  20. 41. Applies security settings to users and computers what they can do and access.
  21. 44. a software that delivers advertising that is unexpected and unwanted by the user