  1. 3. my last ex's name
  2. 5. The dog breed that I currently want most
  3. 6. My current job title
  4. 7. I have the most of this clothing in my wardrobe
  5. 9. Last place I visited that I had flown to
  6. 14. What sport did I get scouted to play provincial
  7. 16. who is going to be my best man at my wedding
  8. 17. The street I was living before Stewart
  9. 20. "Isn't it obvious Tae watches ___" - Asian Kim
  10. 21. how many kids do I want
  11. 22. my go to dish for potlucks
  1. 1. "I want to work in a place that gives me free __"
  2. 2. Me and Luna's favourite band
  3. 4. Easily one of my favourite foods. Korean
  4. 8. My Korean name bit that I cut off
  5. 10. name of my plant
  6. 11. the place i was born in
  7. 12. Slobbery thing I do, name of a Lion's son ;)
  8. 13. Province that my parents currently live in
  9. 15. my favourite kitten out of the three
  10. 18. who do I love :)
  11. 19. my favourite kind of snacks
  12. 23. International Engineers Engineers Engineers