Death Valley Trivia

  1. 2. that became a nuisance burro
  2. 6. move on their own at. Racetrack
  3. 8. Valley was created by plate tectonics
  4. 11. beans for native Americans mesquite
  5. 14. many horses used in 20 mule teams. Two
  6. 15. of steam tractor. Dinah
  7. 16. many minutes does it take for laundry to dry. Two
  8. 17. Valley is so dry because of the. Rainshadow
  9. 19. fans are some of the largest in the world in Death Valley. Alluvial
  10. 21. dunes are created by. Wind
  1. 1. president declared Death Valley a monument. Hoover
  2. 3. mammal in Death Valley bighorn
  3. 4. of th Harmony Borax works laborers were this nationality. Chinese
  4. 5. that was created by steam explosion ubehebe
  5. 7. where DVNP has most visitors. April
  6. 9. peak in Death Valley National Park telescope
  7. 10. metals are found in the__ Mountains
  8. 12. ancient life form has been in Death valley for 400 million years. Scorpion
  9. 13. of tribe. Timbisha
  10. 18. quality borax colemanite
  11. 20. fish. Pupfish