Debate Crossword

  1. 4. a deceptive, misleading, or false notation, belief, etc.
  2. 5. published literature that supports an argument.
  3. 7. the topic of the debate. presents issues to be discussed.
  4. 8. a weighing mechanism or tool that judges can use to determine which part of the debate is most imporant.
  5. 11. to refer to how predictable an argument was based upon the topic literature.
  6. 12. both teams make voting issues through out the debate.
  7. 14. the power or force of an argument; why it matters.
  8. 17. debaters debate the meaning of certain words to try and prove that the affirmative either is or isn't debating the topic
  9. 21. an idea that states that the debate must be fair for both sides.
  10. 22. preferences of a judge for a debate round.
  11. 23. an idea that a debater argues the paramount
  12. 24. a major argument in debates.
  1. 1. refers to the arguments debaters can make during the round.
  2. 2. the negative debater can offer a competing value that is upheld through their case.
  3. 3. the critial elements inherent in the resolution which the affirmative must establish in order to prove the validity of the resolution.
  4. 4. note-taking technique.
  5. 6. shorter speeches later in the debate in which debaters argue over issues that were built during the speech.
  6. 9. letting judge know where you are heading in the debate; where you are at on the flow.
  7. 10. the current situation while the debate is occuring.
  8. 13. the side that supports the resolution.
  9. 15. this refers to arguments,assumptions,or definitions made by one side that prevents both sides from competing.
  10. 16. time during the debate to get ready and plan for the next speech.
  11. 18. when a debater makes as many arguments as possible.
  12. 19. a piece of information with a claim and warrent, source citation, and explanation.
  13. 20. arguing against constructive arguments made by the other debater.