Debate Review: First 9 Weeks

  1. 5. Sets important context & definitions that help your audience understand your topic better
  2. 6. Fallacy: "The iPhone is the best Smartphone because it is the most popular Smartphone in the United States."
  3. 9. The decision maker who is an unbiased third party
  4. 10. ___ Statement: Explains why the question you are going to be speaking on is worth asking
  5. 11. Fallacy: "Ever since I started carrying a lucky charm, I've been winning all my tennis matches. The charm must be bringing me good luck."
  6. 13. The NSDA speech and debate event where you have 30 minutes to prepare a 7 minute speech answering a question related to current events
  7. 14. Fallacy: Good morning, officer. I know you pulled me over for speeding, but don't you think there are bigger crimes going on right now? You shouldn't give me a ticket.
  8. 15. ___ Ended Question: Can (and should) be answered with a yes or a no
  1. 1. The sentence connecting the attention getter to the topic
  2. 2. The very first part of an introduction that gains the audience's focus
  3. 3. Argues against the resolution “The con’s side”
  4. 4. Fallacy: "Don't you think it's unfair that you always get your way in every decision we make?"
  5. 7. Argues in favor of the resolution “The pro’s side
  6. 8. ___ Ended Question: Cannot be answered with a yes or a no
  7. 12. Fallacy: Why would I listen to your thoughts on prison reform? I know who you voted for last election. I think you have terrible judgment!