Debate Speaker Roles

  1. 5. This speaker exposes the weaknesses and fallacies given by the opposing side. He or she proves all his or her points by using strong evidence in pointing out that the disadvantages given by the other side are not important or are not true.
  2. 6. This speaker gives the weak points or fallacies mentioned by the side that proposes the relocation plan.
  1. 1. This speaker answers all the attacks to the plan of relocating capital functions out of Tokyo. He or she should prove that the negative points given by the opposing side against the plan is not strong or not important.
  2. 2. This speaker delivers a four-minute speech about the disadvantages of the relocation plan.
  3. 3. This speaker is the last speaker in the debate. He or she shows that the negative points of the plan are more important than the positive points of the plan.
  4. 4. This speaker answers all the attacks to the plan of relocating capital functions out of Tokyo. He or she should prove that the negative points given by the opposing side against the plan is not strong or not important.