Debate Vocab Part 3

  1. 2. how the aff is tied to the resolution
  2. 4. Description of the squo
  3. 5. comparing the impacts of the debate with different metrics such as magnitude, probability, timeframe, and reversibility
  4. 8. series of links to lead to impact
  5. 10. why the problem the aff presents is bad
  6. 12. a reason not to vote for your opponent
  7. 15. usually college students or ex LDers, okay with spreading and will generally understand more complex arguments
  8. 17. elements aff must establish to prove validity of resolution, contains significance, inherency, harms, solvency, topicality
  9. 18. Bad thing that happens as a result of the link chain
  10. 19. how link causes something else that will lead to something bad
  11. 20. latin for at first glance, aff must introduce all 5 stock issues; “face value”
  12. 25. what the aff does to solve the problem
  13. 26. judge from the times where they had to carry around giant boxes with hard written cards, must explain a significant amount to them; no spreading
  1. 1. how big and widespread the impact will affect (ex. Extinction will affect the entire globe)
  2. 3. Changing how you present your case based on what type of judge you have
  3. 6. Arguments that conflict with those of your opponents, good debates have lots of clash
  4. 7. how fast it will take effect (ex. Nuke war happens swiftly/instantly
  5. 8. normal mommy or daddy judges, don’t even know what LD stands for, must explain everything to them, no spreading
  6. 9. to what extent the impact can be reversed (death can’t be reversed)
  7. 11. most debate tournaments use this website to keep track of scores, entries, judges, etc
  8. 13. A reason why the aff is bad; a structured negative argument that advocates for the squo
  9. 14. the final impact of a link chain, whether it be from the aff or neg
  10. 16. what the aff does that causes shift from status quo
  11. 17. A professional who writes about how the issue can be solved which the aff uses in their evidence
  12. 21. why the policy the aff advocates for has not been implemented
  13. 22. Aff strategy when the negative has presented only defensive arguments such that the judge can vote aff based on a risk of solvency
  14. 23. argument a reason to vote for you
  15. 24. how likely it is to happen (ex. Nuclear war is probable with (x country) bc trump is considering nuclear war already) (or the current impact is happening now and will get EVEN worse)