Debate Vocab Part 4

  1. 1. Tournament of Champions, the big national tournament, you must get 2 bids to go
  2. 3. Who does the policy in question; sometimes defined in the res, sometimes not
  3. 4. University Interscholastic League; the tournament in spring we compete at where the top 3 advance to the next level
  4. 5. comprised of a claim, warrant, and an impact (ex: broccoli is healthy because it has vitamins, this you should eat broccoli)
  5. 7. The theory that an action’s goodness is determined by the consequences of the action
  6. 9. Live Action Role Play; no not the gamer kind; To roleplay as a policy debater and run policy-style arguments
  7. 10. elimination or out-rounds after the Prelim, if you lose then you’re out
  8. 11. Preliminary rounds, usually 3 or 4, they are the rounds that decide whether you move onto elimination rounds
  9. 14. denotes moral obligation to do something
  10. 15. reasoning behind claim
  11. 16. description of what the card says or proves
  12. 19. theory that states that the action that’s morally correct is the one that benefits the most people i.e. the most good for the most people
  13. 20. debate about what lens we use to view the round; does not determine who wins
  14. 21. from 25-30, Judge judges how well you spoke; Speaker points are important for deciding who breaks
  1. 2. The same school cannot debate each other, so if the same school occupies the entire bracket, then the school closes out the tournament
  2. 6. an argument; position a person takes
  3. 8. institutionalized oppression ex: racism, sexism, homophobia, etc
  4. 12. a conception of good/bad and right/wrong that differs from person to person
  5. 13. means you move onto elim rounds, or out rounds
  6. 16. Texas state debate tournament; must get 12 state points to go to the tournament
  7. 17. how the tournament organizes out rounds ex: octofinals (16) quarters (8), semis (4), finals (2); think sports
  8. 18. Prewritten debate cases and cards from big websites such as West Coast Debate; not to be relied upon