Debate vocabulary

  1. 3. (n.)a speech proposing a plan
  2. 8. (n.)the points in a debate on which there are clashes of opinion,issues are neutral (they do not support either side)
  3. 9. (v.)to nullify or cause to be ineffective; to contradict
  4. 10. (v.)to prove something false
  1. 1. (n.)a statement that sets the topic of the debate
  2. 2. (v.)to acknowledge something to be true
  3. 4. (n.)the existing state of affairs; what the situation is right now
  4. 5. (n.)a speech negating the plan
  5. 6. (n.)proof of something; grounds to believe or disbelieve something
  6. 7. (n.)a proposed specific action that would fulfill the resolution