Debate Vocabulary

  1. 3. Statement made at the beginning of a speech which takes a position with regard to the totality of one's own or one's opponent's analysis
  2. 4. Both teams can make voting issues throughout the debate
  3. 6. The topic of the debate
  4. 7. The side that supports the resolution
  5. 11. Refers to how predictable an argument was based upon the topic or preparedness
  6. 12. Necessary or sufficient standard by which to measure the competing values
  7. 13. Is an idea that a debater argues is paramount.
  8. 15. debaters argue that their definition is superior to that of the other
  9. 16. A deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief
  10. 17. Current situation while the debate is occurring
  11. 19. Shorter speech later in the debate where debaters argue over issues that were built during the constructive speeches
  12. 20. Letting judge know where you are headed
  13. 23. Power or force on an argument
  14. 24. Note taking technique, or note pad
  15. 25. Published literature introduced into the debate to provide support for an argument
  16. 27. Major argument in the debate
  17. 28. LD debaters have 3 minutes to prepare for debate
  18. 31. One debater makes as many arguments as possible
  19. 32. Attacking or overthrowing claims made by your opponent
  20. 34. Preferences of a judge for a debate round
  21. 35. Idea that debate must be fair to both sides
  1. 1. Time one debater gets to interact with another debater by asking questions
  2. 2. Negative debater can offer a competing value
  3. 5. Critical elements inherent in the resolution
  4. 8. Sometimes called "T"
  5. 9. the Affirmative side must prove the resolution true while the negative proves the resolution is false
  6. 10. of a debate case containing arguments and evidence.
  7. 14. Reason why your claim is true, reasoning behind claim
  8. 18. A weighing mechanism or tool judge use to determining which parts of debate are important
  9. 21. Arguments debaters can make during the round
  10. 22. Summing up the debate, addressing the most important arguments and offering voting issues
  11. 26. a piece of evidence with a claim and warrant, source citation, and explanation
  12. 27. Speeches in which debaters introduce their position and advocacy
  13. 29. Refers to arguments, assumptions, or definitions made by one side that prevent both sides from competing
  14. 30. Conflict with specific argument made by the opponent
  15. 33. Rejects the resolution