Debate Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 2. Summing up the debate, addressing the most important arguments, and offering voting issues, usually done in the last speech of a debate.
  2. 5. A reason to affirm or negate
  3. 8. The topic of a debate
  4. 10. Preferences of a judge for a debate round
  5. 11. Debaters may argue that their definition is superior to that of another debater for a variety of reasons such as setting fair limits for the debate or being used in the literature.
  6. 12. The reason why your claim is true; the reasoning behind a claim.
  7. 14. Outline of a debate case containing arguments and evidence
  8. 15. An argument, definition, or assumption that prevents both sides from competing
  1. 1. The idea that a debate must be fair for both sides.
  2. 2. A sufficient standard by which to measure competing values
  3. 3. The critical elements inherent in the resolution that the affirmative must establish in order to prove the validity of the resolution.
  4. 4. Speeches in which debtors introduce their positions and advocacy
  5. 6. An argument where teams debate the meaning of certain words in the resolution in an attempt to prove that the affirmative either is or is not debating the topic as worded.
  6. 7. A weighing mechanism or tool that judges can use to determine which parts of the debate are most important; attempts to tell the judge which impacts matter most and why.
  7. 9. The major argument in a debate
  8. 13. A statement made at the beginning of any speech which takes a position with regard to the totality of one’s own or one’s opponent’s analysis. This part of the speech is entirely optional.