Debating death penalty by Daniel

  1. 2. Majority opinion
  2. 4. To disregard or overlook
  3. 5. Practical point of view
  4. 6. thought of before hand
  5. 7. person who commits a crime
  6. 10. Lack of similarity
  7. 11. The study of crime
  8. 14. Deliberate and without motive, unjustifiable
  9. 15. To delay an impending punishment
  10. 16. State of being reasonable based on facts
  1. 1. and Quartering Punishment for defying a Monarch, Hung and cut up
  2. 2. Make up for something wrong
  3. 3. To relieve fault of a crime
  4. 6. Self Contradictory
  5. 8. Subject to individual will
  6. 9. punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal
  7. 11. Change a sentence (criminal) to a lesser one
  8. 12. Killing a human without afterthought or malice
  9. 13. When something is definitely going to happen