December 1st - Rosa Parks Day

  1. 4. _____ was the first state to observe the holiday on this date (December 1st).
  2. 7. When she wouldn't move, the buss driver called the police and Parks was ________. She had violated Chapter 6, Section 11 of the Montgomery City Code.
  3. 8. On December 5th the African-American community leaders got together and formed the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), and elected ______ _______ ________, Jr. to lead it.
  4. 9. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was riding a Montgomery bus home from her department store job, where she worked as a _______.
  5. 10. The state, ______held its first Rosa Parks Day in 2018 after it was designated by the Alabama Legislature.
  6. 11. Rosa Parks's refusal to give up her seat sparked the Montgomery Bus _______.
  1. 1. on December 5 that Rosa Parks went to court, where 500 ______ greeted her as she arrived.
  2. 2. The holiday is celebrated on either ______ 4, her birthday, or December 1st.
  3. 3. The holiday is marked with activities focused on Rosa Parks and her fight against ________ and for equality.
  4. 5. December 1st is the anniversary of the date in 1955 on which she refused to give up her _____ on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
  5. 6. As a young girl, Rosa attended a ______school that lacked resources.
  6. 12. Rosa Parks Day celebrates the legacy of Rosa Parks, a woman who is a symbol of equality and _____ rights.