decimals, fractions, percents

  1. 3. - to "times" a group by multiplying by more
  2. 7. - answer you get when you subtract
  3. 10. - answer you get when you divide
  4. 12. - answer you get when you multiply
  5. 13. number - contains a whole number and a fraction
  6. 14. - numerator shows part over whole
  7. 15. - "take away" to find the difference
  1. 1. - answer you get when you add
  2. 2. - to divide larger group into small equal parts
  3. 4. -fraction with numerator bigger than denom.
  4. 5. - flip the fraction on the right to get this
  5. 6. - a 0-9 with no place value
  6. 8. - digit(s)to right of decimal point
  7. 9. - a part of whole divided by total parts
  8. 11. - math operation - add all facts together