
  1. 3. Groups of people claiming common bonds based on culture, language and history.
  2. 5. Institutions, rules, norms and legal arrangements that seek to facilitate cooperation, and manage relations, between states.
  3. 7. Rights that are afforded to all human beings universally on the basis of their common humanity.
  4. 8. Power exercised through coercion, or threatened acts of coercion, to influence the actions of other global actors.
  5. 9. Entire process in which states conduct their foreign relations with one another.
  6. 10. School of thought in which foreign policy is infl uenced above all else by practical and pragmatic considerations, as opposed to moral principles.
  7. 11. Form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude and perspective of the international community toward some cause or position by presenting a one-sided perspective.
  8. 12. Acceleration and intensifi cation of exchanges of goods, services, labour and capital which promote global interdependence.
  9. 13. System of coordinating relations between three or more states, usually in pursuit of objectives in particular areas.
  10. 15. Notion of a ‘society of states’ in which law, order and cooperation are the basis of interaction, and that states work towards achieving common ideals and goals.
  11. 16. Political social grouping in which people within territorial boundaries, with recognised sovereignty, have common bonds based on culture, language and history.
  12. 17. The ability to shape the actions of other global actors most commonly exercised through diplomacy, culture, policies and history.
  13. 20. Traditionally the central actor in international relations, states possess a permanent population, defi ned territory and recognised sovereignty.
  14. 21. School of thought in which foreign policy is influenced above all else by moral principle, as opposed to practical and pragmatic considerations.
  1. 1. Legitimate or widely recognised ability to exercise effective control of a territory within recognised borders.
  2. 2. interest Used as an all-embracing concept to justify policy preferences and actions, and includes the goals or objectives of foreign policy.
  3. 3. Specialised organisations, agencies and groups committed to promoting particular interests or issues.
  4. 4. corporation Company whose operations and investments extend beyond the boundaries of the state in which it is registered.
  5. 6. Issues which affect a number of states at any one time and so require joint action to be resolved.
  6. 14. Policy of acting alone, with little regard for the views or interests of other global actors, in pursuit of foreign policy objectives.
  7. 18. The ability of one global actor to infl uence the actions of another global actor.
  8. 19. Seeks to address questions of morality.