DEN 109

  1. 1. The image receptor in the intraoral sensor:
  2. 2. The central beam that comes from the x-ray tube head is:
  3. 5. connective tissue & growing bone are _ to radiation
  4. 7. Shades of gray visible in an image is _ scale
  5. 9. __ dental imaging shows more information than traditional dental x-rays or CT scans
  6. 11. A small electronic or specially coated plate that is sensitive to x-rays; captures the radiographic image:
  7. 14. X-ray film is sensitive to __ temperatures
  8. 16. X-ray film is sensitive to __ radiation
  9. 19. An x-ray is a black-and-white picture that also shows shades of gray. The difference between shades of gray is termed:
  10. 21. The imaging system that is used mainly for diagnosis of TMJ disease. This technique uses low-energy electromagnetic radiation instead of ionizing radiation:
  11. 22. X-ray film is sensitive to __.
  12. 23. Which dental specialist mainly uses cephalometric radiographs?
  13. 24. The radiation that is deflected from its path as it strikes matter is:
  14. 25. The small spot on the tungsten target where the electrons hit is the __ spot
  15. 28. ___ imaging system is used to plan implant surgery, and to locate and define lesions associated with the oral cavity:
  16. 29. When a conventional x-ray machine is used with digital radiography, the x-ray machine should be capable of producing 70 __ or less
  17. 30. During a ___ exposure, the patient should wear a lead apron without a thyroid collar.
  18. 31. The MPD per year for radiation workers is __ rems
  19. 32. mature bone, salivary glands and liver are _ sensitive to radiation
  20. 33. The form of radiation that escapes in all directions from the tube or tubehead:
  21. 35. The degree of darkness on an x-ray is termed:
  22. 36. kidney, muscle and nerves are _ sensitive to radiation
  1. 1. The radiograph used to assess the patient's skeletal profile and structure is
  2. 3. The discoverer of x-rays is William __
  3. 4. ___ radiography is capable of capturing intraoral & extraoral images.
  4. 6. ___ machines take a radiograph that shows the entire maxilla & mandible on one film.
  5. 8. A filmless imaging system that uses a sensor and computer to capture an image and convert it into pixels (electronic data)is termed _ radiography
  6. 10. The conversion of an x-ray film image into a digital image that can be processed by a computer:
  7. 12. ___ seconds is the term for the amount or quantity of radiation exposure the patient receives
  8. 13. skin, intestinal tract and oral mucosa are _ sensitive to radiation
  9. 15. Oral surgeons and orthodontists are the specialties that routinely use __ radiographs
  10. 17. A ___ badge should be worn at all time while in the office
  11. 18. An image produced by traditional film, in which there is a continuous spectrum of gray shades between black and white is termed _ image
  12. 20. What determines the quality or penetrating power of the central beam?
  13. 21. lymphoid, reproductive cells, bone marrow, intestinal epithelium and thyroid are _ sensitive to radiation
  14. 24. The radiation formed when the primary x-rays strike the patient is __ radiation
  15. 26. The lead apron with the thyroid collar should be used for __ patients
  16. 27. A __ can display over 200 shades of gray
  17. 34. the human ___ can detect 32 shades of gray