Dental Radiology

  1. 4. overall darkness or blackness of an image
  2. 9. device constructed of layered aluminum steps
  3. 10. permission granted by the patient after being informed about the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a procedure
  4. 13. plan to ensure that the dental office produces consistent, high-quality images with a minimum of exposure to patients and personnel
  5. 14. differences in degrees of blackness on an image
  6. 16. a unit of measurement used to describe the intensity of an electrical current
  7. 18. accountability or legal responsibility
  8. 20. form of secondary radiation that occurs when an x-ray beam has been deflected from its path by interaction with matter
  9. 21. process by which electrons are removed from atoms, causing the harmful effects of radiation in humans
  10. 22. flexible lead shield that is placed securely around the neck
  11. 24. level of knowledge, skill, and care comparable with that of other dentists who are treating similar patients under similar conditions
  12. 25. recording medium for an image, normally film, phosphor storage plate, or a digital sensor
  1. 1. a unit of measurement used to describe the intensity of an electrical current
  2. 2. flexible arm that is attached to the x-ray tubehead
  3. 3. failure to provide a proper or reasonable level of care
  4. 5. highest voltage of x-ray tube used during an exposure
  5. 6. x-radiation that is created when the primary beam interacts with matter
  6. 7. most penetrating beam produced at the target of the anode
  7. 8. process of informing the patient, for example, the procedure for taking x-rays
  8. 11. device used to protect the reproductive and blood-forming tissues from scatter radiation
  9. 12. intraoral devices used to position and hold the film, sensor or PSP
  10. 15. concept of radiation protection that states all exposures should be kept "as low as reasonably achievable"
  11. 17. items that include protective clothing, masks, gloves and eyewear
  12. 19. filmless method of capturing an image and displaying it by using an image receptor, an electronic signal, and a computer to process and store the image
  13. 23. time between exposure to ionizing radiation and appearance of image