
  1. 4. basketball
  2. 7. Track
  3. 9. Soccer
  4. 10. The Ball(small)
  5. 12. To Skate
  6. 13. The Court
  7. 14. They(fem.) play
  8. 15. To Skateboard
  9. 17. On/Above Ice
  10. 21. Dangerous
  11. 23. To Understand the Rules
  12. 25. He plays
  13. 28. The Loser
  14. 30. The Bat
  15. 32. The Helmet
  16. 34. Volleyball
  17. 37. You all play soccer
  18. 38. you(formal) play
  19. 39. Cross-country racing
  20. 40. Baseball
  21. 41. y'all play
  22. 46. y'all play baseball
  23. 49. The Baseball Cap
  24. 50. The (sports) game
  25. 51. The Player
  26. 52. You all play
  27. 54. The Skateboard
  28. 57. To In-Line Skate
  29. 58. You(informal) play
  30. 59. To Ski
  31. 60. The Racket
  32. 61. The Glove
  1. 1. She plays volleyball
  2. 2. The Field
  3. 3. Tennis
  4. 5. The Athlete
  5. 6. The Winner
  6. 8. The Sporting Goods Store
  7. 11. Surfing
  8. 14. The Goal
  9. 16. You(informal) play tennis
  10. 18. americano American Football
  11. 19. Lacrosse
  12. 20. I play
  13. 22. Outdoors
  14. 24. We play hockey
  15. 26. The Ball(Big)
  16. 27. The Skates
  17. 29. they play
  18. 31. I play basketball
  19. 33. To Lose
  20. 35. The Stadium
  21. 36. The Team
  22. 42. The Pool
  23. 43. we play
  24. 44. Hockey
  25. 45. The Fans
  26. 47. Swimming
  27. 48. The Track
  28. 53. Skating
  29. 55. she plays
  30. 56. To Win