Jugar con deportes

  1. 3. they (m) go bowling
  2. 10. you all (inf.) go bowling
  3. 12. you (inf.) play soccer
  4. 13. I play soccer
  5. 15. we play volleyball
  6. 16. we play baseball
  7. 17. I play softball
  8. 18. I play basketball
  9. 19. he plays baseball
  10. 20. you all (form.) play in the snow
  11. 21. he plays football
  12. 22. you (inf.) play basketball
  1. 1. he plays videogames
  2. 2. they (f) play videogames
  3. 4. I play volleyball
  4. 5. she plays in the snow
  5. 6. we play softball
  6. 7. you (inf.) play golf
  7. 8. You all (inf.) play tennis
  8. 9. you all (inf.) play golf
  9. 11. we play football
  10. 14. you (inf.) play tennis