Describing Holidays

  1. 4. very old
  2. 6. where there are many people
  3. 7. a place that you want to find out about
  4. 9. old building where people worship
  5. 11. I _____ (stay) in a hotel
  6. 13. I _____ (try) new food in Bangkok
  7. 15. a place where you can feel calm
  1. 1. where sports are played in a city
  2. 2. nothing to do
  3. 3. It ____ (snow) when we arrived
  4. 5. very cold
  5. 7. pronounced -0--
  6. 8. travel by ____ (sea)
  7. 10. something brilliant
  8. 12. travel by ____ (rail)
  9. 14. My town ____ got a swimming pool