Destiny's Disney Birthday!

  1. 3. Arcade Addiction
  2. 7. One of my fave Disney Characters
  3. 10. Favorite Color
  4. 12. Favorite Disney Park
  5. 13. Birthday day
  6. 14. High School
  7. 17. Second Home
  1. 1. Disney Collection
  2. 2. Favorite made up curse word
  3. 4. Favorite Disney Broadway
  4. 5. Favorite drunkie snack
  5. 6. Middle Name
  6. 8. Amount of Minnie Ears
  7. 9. Goldfish name
  8. 11. Nola's Disney Character Alter Ego
  9. 15. Age when I first went to Disneyland
  10. 16. Favorite dipping sauce