Destructive and Constructive Forces - Cole Emerine and Varun Sripada

  1. 5. A slowly moving mass of ice that overtime shapes Earth's surface.
  2. 6. force A force that builds up the Earth.
  3. 7. A destructive boundary in plate tectonics.
  4. 8. The process by which sediment is laid down by erosion and builds up on the Earth's surface
  5. 9. Water that falls from the atmosphere that contributes to the erosion of Earth's surface.
  1. 1. force A force that breaks down the Earth.
  2. 2. Process by which magma reaches the surface (Lava) and cools to add new rock to the surface of the Earth.
  3. 3. A constructive boundary in plate tectonics.
  4. 4. Caused by wind moving across the surface of the water in the ocean. This destructive erodes away at the ocean shore.