Deuteronomy Challenge

  1. 3. "Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's ___________" (Ch 21:23)
  2. 6. "The LORD your God will raise up for you a _____ like me...." (Ch 18:15)
  3. 11. barnea place where the Israelites refused to go into Canaan (Ch 1:19, Ch 9)
  4. 12. "It is because the people ___________ the covenant of the LORD...." (Ch 29:25)
  5. 14. "If you _______ obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all His commands I give you today,...." (Ch 28:1)
  6. 15. God's leader of the Israelites (Ch 1:1)
  7. 16. 'So be _________________ to obey all the commands I give you." (NLT Ch 12:32)
  8. 17. descendants of Lot (Ch 2:9)
  9. 21. "Be careful to ___________ every command I am giving you today." (Ch 8:1)
  10. 22. "Remember what the _______________ did to you along the way...." (Ch 25:17)
  11. 26. number of witnesses required to convict a person of a crime (Ch 19:15)
  12. 27. "Now choose _______, so that you and your children may life." (Ch 30:19
  13. 28. announced from Mt Gerizim (Ch 11:29)
  14. 29. You must set aside a tenth of all the crops you harvest each year. "Eat the_______" (Ch 14:23)
  15. 30. one of the tribes to stand on Mt Gerizim (Ch 27:12)
  1. 1. He asks only that you ____________ the LORD your God." (Ch 10:12)
  2. 2. "(The King) He must __________ for himself this body of instruction..." (Ch 17:18)
  3. 4. "But the __________________ mistreated us and made us suffer." (Ch 26:6)
  4. 5. night to remember being brought out of Egypt (Ch 16:1)
  5. 7. "If a man is caught _____________ one of his brother Israelites...." (Ch 24:7)
  6. 8. primary thing that Moses always warned the people to stay away from (Ch 4:16)
  7. 9. Hebrew word that means "Listen" or "Hear" O Israel (Ch 6:4)
  8. 10. number of festivals when every man had to go to the place God chose (Ch 16:16)
  9. 13. announced from Mt Ebal (Ch 11:29)
  10. 18. king of Bashan (Ch 3:1)
  11. 19. king of Hesbon (Ch 2:24)
  12. 20. Horeb alternate name for Mount Sinai (Ch 1:2)
  13. 23. You must burn their _______ in fire. (ch 7:25)
  14. 24. the year when you must cancel the debts (Ch 15:1)
  15. 25. successor to Moses (Ch 31)