Deutsch 3 Kapitel 8 Kreuzworträtsel (Substantive)

  1. 2. Father's Day
  2. 3. fish sandwich
  3. 6. Valentine's Day
  4. 8. classroom
  5. 9. basement, cellar
  6. 14. sauerkraut
  7. 15. ride (amusement park)
  8. 16. Saint Martin's Day
  9. 19. amusement park
  10. 23. Oktoberfest
  11. 25. potato chip
  12. 28. Day of German Unity
  13. 29. Mother's Day
  14. 30. driver's license
  15. 31. garage
  16. 32. festival
  17. 34. Channukah
  18. 35. Labor Day (equivalent)
  19. 36. wild water ride
  20. 37. humor
  1. 1. Christmas Eve
  2. 2. surprise
  3. 4. public festival
  4. 5. step, staircase
  5. 7. roller coaster
  6. 10. ride, drive
  7. 11. mix of fanta and cola
  8. 12. Ferris wheel
  9. 13. mustard
  10. 15. Easter
  11. 17. Mardi Gras
  12. 18. ketchup
  13. 20. breakfast table
  14. 21. Mardi Gras (South and Österreich)
  15. 22. gingerbread
  16. 23. holiday
  17. 24. decision
  18. 26. Christmas
  19. 27. stomach(organ)
  20. 30. umbrella
  21. 33. bottle
  22. 35. pretzel