Development Dilemmas

  1. 2. A means of measuring development that uses 4 economic and social indicators to produce a figure
  2. 6. The outer limits of an area often remote or isolated
  3. 7. Total wealth of a country devided by population
  4. 8. development projects that originate in local communities rather than in central government ot external agencies
  5. 9. Aid given directly from the Government of one country to another
  6. 10. Economic and social progress that leads to an improvment in the quality of life for an increasing proportion of the population
  1. 1. The most important social, political and economic area of a country
  2. 3. equipment that the local community is able to use relatively easily and without much cost
  3. 4. Short-term aid given to countries to help them cope with the effects of natural disasters
  4. 5. Economic activity that provide various services