Development Geography

  1. 3. A concept of development that aims to meet present needs without compromising future generations.
  2. 5. Aid given by one country directly to another, without intermediaries.
  3. 7. A term that refers to the reduction of the Earth's natural resources due to overuse.
  4. 9. A significant barrier to trade, often imposed to protect domestic industries.
  5. 11. This economic theory explains the uneven development between central and peripheral regions.
  6. 12. A key indicator of social development, often linked to education.
  7. 15. A global process that connects economies and cultures, often seen as a driver of development.
  8. 16. A trade system where producers in developing countries are paid a fair price.
  9. 17. A type of development aid focused on immediate relief after a disaster.
  1. 1. Type of aid given to alleviate suffering during emergencies like natural disasters or conflicts.
  2. 2. A model of economic development driven by the sale of goods to foreign markets.
  3. 4. An agreement between the public sector and private companies to achieve development goals.
  4. 6. Expectancy A measure of the average number of years a person is expected to live.
  5. 8. The economic sector heavily reliant on the extraction of natural resources.
  6. 10. Trade A trade system that eliminates tariffs and quotas between countries.
  7. 13. Economic model that describes five stages of growth, including the 'Take-off' stage.
  8. 14. Aid provided directly from one country to another without intermediaries.
  9. 15. A country's total economic output, often used as an indicator of development.