
  1. 4. _________ view deviance as a natural outgrowth of values and structure in a society
  2. 9. _________ theory states deviance is a learned behavior and that individuals will adopt behavior
  3. 11. the norms of society are unclear and no longer apply
  4. 12. _______ theory is the theory that functionalists believe in
  1. 1. ________ are best known for three ideas being labeling, cultural transmission, and control
  2. 2. the tendency of a criminal to re-offend
  3. 3. creating jobs, unifying, and promoting change are all _______ functions of deviance
  4. 5. ______theory states that a deviant individual is "labled" as such
  5. 6. any behavior that violates social norms
  6. 7. a mark of social disgrace that sets the deviant apart from society
  7. 8. deviant behavior is based on ____ so different across different cultures and time
  8. 9. _______ theory states that deviance is normal and people conform when they have strong ties to the community
  9. 10. ________ theorists view deviance as being set by the higher class of people to have them use it to maintain power