DFUF's shenanigans day-5

  1. 4. invented by leonardo da vinci
  2. 6. world's biggest island
  3. 10. a book by jonathan swift
  4. 12. last name of a television show host
  5. 17. most chocolate loving country
  6. 19. longest of the shakespeare's plays
  7. 20. humpty dumpty fell from here
  8. 21. you are probably using it right now (LOL)
  1. 1. author of some famous sci-fi novels
  2. 2. Alternate name for one of the most famous conquerors
  3. 3. i have a mythical being as national animal
  4. 5. bones in finger
  5. 7. famous anime mc..i love meat
  6. 8. anime mc with yellow hair
  7. 9. loudest animal on earth
  8. 11. you will know if you are french
  9. 13. "i'll drown you in dispair"
  10. 14. third most densly populated city in world as of 2022
  11. 15. country ranked second on list of most fifa cups alphabetically the latter
  12. 16. mammal with no vocal cords
  13. 18. most common eye color