  1. 5. on the altar to remind us of Amida's light
  2. 7. selfless giving
  3. 10. and all living things - second gratitude
  4. 12. where Siddhartha was born
  5. 14. the Buddha's teachings
  6. 16. buddhist community
  7. 17. I am one with Amida
  8. 19. Siddhartha became enlightened on this day in December
  9. 22. Siddhartha's charioteer and friend
  10. 23. Siddhartha's cousin
  11. 24. Siddhartha's wife
  1. 1. on the altar to remind us to clear our monkey minds
  2. 2. 'I am a link in Amida's'
  3. 3. on the altar to remind us of impermanence
  4. 4. Siddhartha's father
  5. 6. third gratitude
  6. 8. noble eightfold path
  7. 9. first gratitude
  8. 11. Siddhartha's birthday celebration in April
  9. 13. Siddhartha's mother
  10. 15. Siddhartha's horse
  11. 18. son of King Suddhodana and Queen Maya
  12. 20. beads used for gassho
  13. 21. hands together in gratitude