Dia de los Muertos

  1. 2. period of watchfulness, observation, or staying awake
  2. 4. people who have died
  3. 9. the true meaning or intent of something
  4. 10. sad, gloomy, or unhealthy
  5. 11. native to a place
  6. 12. the parts of that make up a whole
  7. 13. a main idea or subject that a group o things has in common
  8. 14. something that is inerited or passed down from earlier genrations
  1. 1. to agree with and match
  2. 3. forced upon or established with authority
  3. 5. makes certain
  4. 6. the acto of looking at a situation and making a judgement about it
  5. 7. to remember and tell of past experiences
  6. 8. the act of celebrating a holiday or some other custom