Dia de Reyes

  1. 3. How do you say "Santa Claus" in Spanish?
  2. 7. How do you say twelfth in Spanish?
  3. 8. When are the 12 days of Christmas?
  4. 10. The kings are called Melchor, ___, Baltasar.
  5. 12. Three kings day is important in what religion?
  6. 13. Inside the Rosca de Reyes there is a figure of ___ Jesus.
  7. 16. In Spain children write ____ to the kings asking for gifts.
  8. 17. What day is Christmas?
  1. 1. What month is three kings day?
  2. 2. What day is Three Kinds day?
  3. 4. What is another name for Three Kings day?
  4. 5. What month is Christmas in?
  5. 6. January 6th is a celebration of kings that visited ___.
  6. 9. True of false: Epiphany is similar to Christmas.
  7. 11. December 25th is ___.
  8. 14. Rosca de Reyes is a sweet bread decorated with crystalized ___.
  9. 15. How do you say "reyes" in English?