
  1. 7. excessive thirst despite reasonable fluid intake
  2. 8. done to spread the use of one dose of insulin, often done due to the price of insulin, can be deadly
  3. 9. one of the basic sugars, the primary fuel for cellular metabolism
  4. 10. along with Best and under the directorship of Macleod, _______ discovered insulin
  5. 11. regulates metabolism and maintains homeostasis, glands secrete hormones/other products directly into the blood
  6. 12. abnormally high blood glucose level
  7. 13. type of diabetes where the pancrease cannot produce insulin, onset is often in early childhood
  1. 1. excessive eating due to a sense of hunger caused by an inability to use glucose properly
  2. 2. a hormone produced by the islets of Langerhans, enables glucose to enter cells
  3. 3. large volume of urine, can result in wasting of glucose in urine
  4. 4. type of diabetes where insulin resistance develops
  5. 5. abnormally low blood glucose level
  6. 6. based on a the Health Care Cost Institute, in 2016 the cost of insulin was ___ dollars