
  1. 3. hormone created by pancreas
  2. 6. what the body needs to function properly (ex. another word for strength or stamina)
  3. 7. someone who has diabetes
  4. 8. how much you eat at a time
  5. 9. where your stomach feels uneasy, usually before puking
  6. 11. gets rid of disease, to heal. Some diseases don't have a ____.
  1. 1. sugar found in food that your body breaks down for energy
  2. 2. long-term sickness that alters how the body changes the food you consume into energy
  3. 4. different things you can use instead of another thing (ex. tofu instead of pork)
  4. 5. fancy word for blood sugars
  5. 10. lots of sodium (some foods are very _____).