
  1. 4. Given when fast sugar is not effective at correcting low blood glucose, or when the patient is not alert.
  2. 5. Modifications to this can prevent development of Type 2 diabetes.
  3. 9. Patients who are to receive IV contrast dye should have this medication held.
  4. 11. This electrolyte can be thrown out of balance in the patient experiencing DKA.
  5. 13. This hormone responsible for transporting glucose into cells for energy.
  6. 14. Condition characterized by elevated blood glucose, not yet diabetic.
  1. 1. After administering insulin, monitor for this condition.
  2. 2. Symptoms of this condition include increased urination, thirst, and sensation of hunger.
  3. 3. This form of diabetes is caused by resistance of body tissues to insulin.
  4. 6. The is is a complication of high blood glucose and insufficient insulin.
  5. 7. Broken down by the body in DKA to compensate for lack of glucose uptake.
  6. 8. This substance leads to acidosis in DKA.
  7. 10. Deep, sighing respiratory pattern associated with DKA.
  8. 12. This form of diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin production.