Diabetes and wound healing

  1. 3. peripheral disorder occurring twice as often in diabetic patients versus non diabetic.
  2. 5. diabetes type 1 disorder where beta cells are destroyed.
  3. 6. membrane that becomes thickened in capillaries.
  4. 8. cells found in Islets of Langerhan release insulin into blood.
  5. 11. these thrive on increased glucose available in the blood stream.
  6. 17. frequent urination
  7. 18. haemoglobin with a higher affinity for oxygen.
  8. 19. can be a complication of non-healing wounds.
  9. 21. diabetes type 2 insulin produced but body is ________to effects.
  10. 22. risk factor for development of limb cellulitis.
  1. 1. affects the ability of neutrophils and macrophages to function.
  2. 2. develop as a result of autonomic neuropathy.
  3. 4. phase that is impaired due to a lack of leukocytes and narrowing of vessel walls.
  4. 7. a risk factor associated with reoccurrence of ulcers.
  5. 9. damaged swollen and deformed joints leading to deformity and formation foot ulcers.
  6. 10. ___________ability to produce collagen is impaired due to lack of oxygenation of wound bed.
  7. 12. contributing factor to impaired healing of foot ulcers.
  8. 13. excessive thirst
  9. 14. condition which predisposes patients to poor wound healing.
  10. 15. these can cause oedema and destroy new extracellular matrix.
  11. 16. Insulin is a __________ that regulates uptake of glucose.
  12. 20. strength of collagen impaired in poor wound healing.