Diabetes Complications

  1. 8. Plasma proteins escaping in the urine is known as
  2. 9. Microvascular condition affecting the eyes
  3. 11. Severy bone destruction and deformity which often required surgical intervention
  4. 13. The term used for the complications involving the nerves, eyes and kidneys
  1. 1. Used to check sensation in the feet during a foot check
  2. 2. Impotence or ______________ is a manifestation of autonomic neuropathy
  3. 3. Diabetic ________ is the leading cause of renal disease in New Zealand
  4. 4. Recurrent __________ can be a sign of suboptimal diabetes management
  5. 5. A modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease
  6. 6. One of the two key contributors of macrovascular complications
  7. 7. Poor oral health can lead to ______ for people with diabetes
  8. 10. Pathway that converts excess glucose to sorbitol then fructose
  9. 12. Website where you can find a CVD risk calculator if you do not have immediate access to one