Diabetes crossword 02/13/24

  1. 4. What is the brand name for Canagliflozin
  2. 6. minimum structure of drug needed to retain biological activity
  3. 10. derivative of phenylalanine
  4. 11. Measurement of glucose uptake in response to insulin infusions
  5. 12. target receptor of Sulfonylureas
  6. 13. Ion that stimulates the release of insulin in beta cells
  7. 14. Drug that targets gluconeogenesis
  8. 15. Channel that is depolarized by the activation of PKA
  9. 16. The pH at which 50% of a drug is ionized
  10. 17. One of the triggering factors for developing Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  1. 1. Insulin that precipitates at the injection site and causes slow release over 24 hours
  2. 2. Transcription factor in insulin dependent tissues targeted by Thiazolidinediones
  3. 3. Medication class that increases insulin independently of glucose levels
  4. 5. What is the analog of human amylin
  5. 7. SGLT2 inhibitors cause this type of DKA
  6. 8. disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia
  7. 9. What long-acting insulin has the lowest risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia
  8. 10. How many days is the half-life of semaglutide