Diabetes Crossword

  1. 3. a condition where glucose level is lower than standard range, needs immediate treatment such as high sugar foods or drinks
  2. 5. any diseases in which the body's ability to use blood sugar is impaired
  3. 7. is the more chronic condition of diabetes where the person produces little or no insulin, they're insulin dependent, glucose remains high in the blood
  4. 11. a life-threatening disorder caused from too little insulin being taken or too much food being eaten, high blood sugar
  5. 12. how much glucose is in your body at a given time, people with diabetes must monitor this throughout the day
  6. 13. higher than normal blood sugar level, not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes, but without lifestyle change you have a higher risk
  7. 15. works through a tiny sensor inserted under your skin, usually your stomach or arm, and measures your interstitial glucose level
  8. 16. a test that measures a person's average blood sugar level over the past two or three months
  9. 18. an insulin powder that can be inhaled to manage blood sugar
  10. 21. a shoulder condition associated with diabetes that results in pain and loss of ability to move the shoulder
  11. 23. found in the pancreas that produce, store, and release insulin
  12. 26. small, computerized devices that deliver insulin in two ways, as a measured and continuous dose or as a surge dose, around mealtimes
  13. 28. diabetes diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy, affects how cells use glucose and this causes high blood sugar
  14. 29. the main sugar found in your blood, comes from the food you eat and is your body's main source of energy
  15. 30. a foot that exhibits any disease that results from diabetes or complication of diabetes
  1. 1. type 1 and type 2 symptoms include dehydration, feeling tired and weak, having blurry vision, and urinating often
  2. 2. blood glucose levels need to stay within a certain range, diabetics must regulate their levels with diet, exercise, and insulin
  3. 4. a health care professional who teaches people with diabetes how to manage their diabetes
  4. 6. former term for type 2 diabetes
  5. 8. full name for diabetes
  6. 9. long term conditions caused by diabetes, may include heart disease, nerve, eyes, kidney, and foot damage
  7. 10. eating the healthiest foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes, usually nutrient rich and low in fats, helps control glucose level and manages weight
  8. 14. a device for injecting insulin that holds replaceable cartridges of insulin
  9. 17. automatically produces the high amount of insulin to move glucose from the blood into the cells, in people with diabetes it produces little or no insulin, or the cells don't respond properly to it
  10. 19. eating healthy foods, losing excess weight, and getting physical activity can prevent type 1 diabetes
  11. 20. one of the possible long term complications of diabetes is kidney disease and failure, is a treatment option for people with kidney failure
  12. 22. a hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates body cells to take up and use blood sugar
  13. 24. condition of diabetes where the person is non-insulin dependent, body cells don't respond normally to insulin, develops slowly over time and often goes undetected until symptoms become severe
  14. 25. otherwise known as high blood sugar, affects people who have diabetes, this should be treated quickly
  15. 27. unconsciousness caused by too little sugar and too much insulin in the blood, low blood sugar