Diabetes Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. When treating hypoglycemia on a conscious patient, you should recheck a glucose after ___ mins.
  2. 6. An A1C goal for someone with diabetes is less than ___.
  3. 7. After meals
  4. 8. When ill, the patient with T1 DM should monitor their urine for ____.
  5. 9. Lispro is a ____-acting insulin.
  1. 1. This medication can be used to raise blood glucose when someone is hypoglycemic and unconsious.
  2. 2. The 3 Ps of diabetes are polyuria, polydipsia, and _____.
  3. 3. This electrolyte imbalance is common in DKA.
  4. 5. How many grams of carbs is a carb exchange?
  5. 6. Hypoglycemia is considered a blood glucose < ____.
  6. 10. DKA can lead to metabolic _____.