Diabetes Diet Management

  1. 2. size of palm of hand
  2. 4. shaky, sweaty, weak, headaches
  3. 5. a way to control diabetes by keeping track of carbohydrates
  4. 8. fist size
  5. 9. one cup yogurt or milk
  6. 10. cupped hand full
  7. 11. 1/2 cup cooked
  8. 13. 45-60% total calories
  9. 15. small potato or slice bread
  10. 16. a person to turn to for help with diabetes control
  11. 19. half should be vegetables or salad, third should be starch, third protein, third fruit and dairy
  12. 20. 15-20% total calories
  1. 1. source for diabetic information
  2. 3. way to measure how a carbohydrate affects blood glucose levels
  3. 6. excessive urination or thirst
  4. 7. Fat less than 7% total calories
  5. 12. 25 grams/day
  6. 14. small apple or 1/2 cup juice
  7. 17. fat free, sugar free
  8. 18. legumes, fruit. non-starchy vegetables