Diabetes Guideline Rollout 2019

  1. 4. ingestion of large amounts is associated with increased risk hypoglycaemia
  2. 6. place this in the subcutaneous insulin infusion chart
  3. 8. insulin should be injected at this temperature
  4. 10. type of hypoglycaemia requiring a second person to treat
  5. 12. length of time one must hold injection after delivering dose
  6. 13. Standard needles are this use only
  7. 14. a person may self-inject their own insulin if deemed________
  1. 1. a late sign of hypoglycaemia
  2. 2. an autonomic sign of hypoglycaemia
  3. 3. the only room you’ll find the HypoPak
  4. 5. a fatty lump caused by injecting insulin in same site repeatedly
  5. 7. a high concentration insulin product (brand name)
  6. 9. a non-insulin injectable diabetes medication (generic name)
  7. 11. a neuroglycopenic sign of hypoglycaemia