Diabetes mellitus questions

  1. 1. Amylin analogue used to treat diabetes mellitus
  2. 6. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by this ADA
  3. 8. Antidiabetic drug which is body weight neutral
  4. 10. AMPk activator used to treat diabetes mellitus
  5. 14. Drug that may enhances the action of Sulfonylureas
  6. 16. A peak less Insulin
  7. 17. Ions moves inside cells under influence of insulin
  1. 2. Lactic acidosis is more likely to caused by this ADA
  2. 3. A hyperglycemic agent used for experimental diabetes
  3. 4. Only insulin which is soluble
  4. 5. Antidiabetic drug act by decreasing farnesoid X receptor (FXR) activation
  5. 7. Disulfiram like reaction after alcohol is seen with which group of ADA
  6. 9. This antidiabetic agent is used to treat polycystic ovary
  7. 11. DPP-4 inhibitor that causes QT prolongation
  8. 12. Insulin can’t administered by which route
  9. 13. Loss of subcutaneous fat around insulin injection site
  10. 15. Regular Insulin cannot be mixed with which Insulin