  1. 4. Fuzzy
  2. 8. Physical weariness
  3. 9. Chemical processes necessary life
  4. 12. Weighing more than is normal
  5. 13. Process of voiding urine
  6. 14. Hereditary unit consisting of DNA
  7. 15. Measure of heaviness
  8. 16. Tubes carrying blood away from heart
  9. 18. Peptide or steroid made by a tissue
  10. 19. in moisture, parched
  1. 1. Inflammation of the pancreas
  2. 2. Sluggishness or not functioning
  3. 3. Strong desire or need for food
  4. 4. Plasma, cell, & platelet circulated by heart
  5. 5. State of body with no feeling
  6. 6. Agents that infect living organisms
  7. 7. Related to the heart
  8. 10. or prickling
  9. 11. Mellitis or Insipidus
  10. 17. Open skin lesions or wounds