Diabetes Prevention Crossword

  1. 2. two wheeled mode of transportation and excellent exercise
  2. 3. do this for 150 minutes per week
  3. 4. walk on this in suite 6 when you visit us
  4. 7. number of states that have obesity rates under 20%
  5. 8. take this off your chicken to lower fat & calories
  6. 9. keeps us "regular"
  7. 10. who will be on vacation next month and will miss aftercore
  8. 14. source of healthy fat
  9. 16. he likes to Sweat to the Oldies
  10. 18. a low calorie snack
  11. 19. keeps us hydrated
  12. 21. leafy green super food
  13. 22. number of DPP groups
  14. 23. excellent source of healthy fat found in local rivers
  15. 26. traditional food found on or under trees
  1. 1. try to do one of these with Jay or Margreet at least once every 3 months
  2. 5. celebration coming up in October
  3. 6. too much of this will keep you up all night
  4. 8. white substance that's bad for teeth and everything else
  5. 11. should show at 10,000 steps at the end of the day
  6. 12. type of "food" containing too much fat, calories, sodium, etc
  7. 13. limit consumption of this at the celebration in October
  8. 15. body's way of cooling itself
  9. 17. what we all want to avoid
  10. 20. lifting this will help us stay strong
  11. 24. sour fruit used to flavor water
  12. 25. an exercise that is good for our hearts and dogs