Diabetes- Type 2

  1. 5. DM is an alteration in the metabolism of this essential nutrient type
  2. 8. a blood test that measures glycemic control over months
  3. 9. The name for ocular damage caused by uncontrolled DM
  4. 10. Clients with DM are high risk for this complication
  5. 12. Risk factor for DM
  6. 13. The functional unit of the kidney that is damaged by DM
  7. 15. The type of blood sugar that when elevated suggests DM
  8. 16. The name for the numbness, tingling or pain brought on by DM
  9. 17. The hormone responsible (via active transport) for allowing glucose to enter the cells of the body
  1. 1. Produced with insulin, a storage of glucose (energy) in the liver and skeletal muscles
  2. 2. A common comorbidity of DM, related to blood pressure
  3. 3. The cells of the pancreas that produced insulin
  4. 4. The name for renal failure caused by uncontrolled DM
  5. 6. The abbreviation for diabetes mellitus
  6. 7. The hormone responsible for mobilizing glucose stored in the body, secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas
  7. 8. Clients with DM are high risk for this complication that will remove parts of their body
  8. 11. The type of diabetes, in woman that is a solid predictor of later DM type 2
  9. 14. An uncontrollable risk factor for DM