Diabetes Update Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Can you combine glicalzide MR with metformin and Forxiga
  2. 6. Which SU binds to the SU receptors in the heart
  3. 7. Is Empagliflozin indicated or contra-indicated in patients with CKD stage 4( eGFR less than 30ml/min/1.73m2)
  4. 8. Name one of the trials included in the Mbanya meta-analysis showing the lower incidence of hypoglycaemia on Gliclazide versus other SU`s
  5. 10. The mean annual costs for a T2D patient with nephropathy increases dramatically by what percentage
  6. 13. Who put the Guidance for Industry together to establish the safety of new anti-diabetic therapies
  7. 14. What can the primary endpoint of CVOT`s consist of
  8. 15. Which DPP-4i has shown renal protection in CVOT`s in T2D patients
  9. 17. Coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease or peripheral arterial disease are also known as what type of CV disease
  10. 19. Which SGLT-2i was compared to placebo in the EMPA-REG outcome trial
  11. 20. What percentage regression to normoalbuminuria was seen in the ADVANCE Study,with a strategy based on Gliclazide modified release
  12. 21. Which SU has shown to achieve greater HbA1C reductions than DPP-4i`s, SGLT-2i`s and other SU`s in the Jia Meta-Analysis
  13. 22. In up to what % of patients with T2D is ASCVD,HF and CKD present
  14. 23. When albumin is passed into the urine as a result of damaged kidneys, what is it called?
  15. 24. What is the name of the CVOT that compares Linagliptin with Glimepiride
  1. 1. Name one meta-analysis that has shown better CV safety of Gliclazide relative to other SU`s
  2. 2. How many SGLT-2i CVOT`s have shown a significant reduction in the risk of hospitalisation for heart failure
  3. 4. Which SU was compared to Gliclazide MR in the GUIDE Study
  4. 5. Predictor of outcomes and microvascular complications
  5. 9. Does diabetic kidney disease increase or decrease the risk of hypoglycaemia
  6. 11. Name one of the challenges when managing patients with diabetic kidney disease
  7. 12. What DPP-4i in the SAVOR -TIMI trial has shown an increase in hospitalisation for heart failure
  8. 16. More than ?(how many) patients were included in the EASY-Dia Observational Study
  9. 18. Which side-effect of anti-diabetic agents is considered an indirect contributor to CV risk
  10. 22. Approximately what percentage of adults have signs of CKD before diagnosis of diabetes